What is the best third pillar?
The one that best suits your needs
There are many insurance third pillar products, and fortunately they are all very good products. So we can say that the best third pillar is the one that best represents you and reflects your personality as a saver/investor.
There are products with or without capital guarantees, index-participating or linked to investment funds. In short, there are products for all tastes and sometimes it is complex to understand the differences in order to find the right one.
So let's clarify a little:
Before choosing a third pillar, you should do a pension analysis to be sure of your benefits from the first and second pillars (OASI and BVG), and thus have a good starting point. For example, if your first and second pillar cover is above average, you may be able to afford a more dynamic third pillar, perhaps with a lower level of security, but with a higher prospect of returns thanks to particular investment funds.
If, on the other hand, your performance in the first two pillars is not very high, perhaps it would be better to choose a conservative third pillar, which gives you a higher guarantee, at the expense, of course, of returns.
Another important factor is your age and thus the remaining duration until retirement.
Someone, for example, who is 30 years old will have more choice and be able to risk more than someone in their 50s, just because they have 35 years ahead of them before they retire.
The major companies, Baloise, Swiss Life, Axa, Zurich, Vaudoise, Generali, etc., offer very interesting third pillar solutions, each with its own characteristics.
Our job is to compare these companies and advise you neutrally, taking different factors into account:
Your age.
Your family and economic situation.
Your risk appetite.
Your budget.
Your 1st and 2nd pillar benefits.
And in this way arrive at the solution that best suits your needs.
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